Estate Litigation Attorney in Birmingham, Alabama

We all want to have things in order when we go. Having a legal last will and testament serves to reassure you and your loved ones that your wishes will be carried out according to your estate plans and that your dependents will be cared for in the event of your passing.

Passing on intestate (without a will) leaves a potential mess for your heirs. It can leave your estate vulnerable to creditor claims, probate litigation, feuds within the family, and a litany of other possible issues.

Even individuals who think they have a clear-cut situation are surprised to learn the many nuances of estate administration and laws or just how their plans might be challenged in court after their passing.

wooden houses with a wooden hammer behind them

Laws regarding estate planning and execution tend to differ from state to state. To plan your estate in Birmingham, Alabama, you may find it beneficial to solicit the services of an experienced estate planning attorney. Doing so will help ensure that your assets are distributed as you wish.

Do you need to hire a law firm to settle an estate in Birmingham, AL?

Estate planning through a licensed attorney helps ensure all loose ends are tied up. Planning can be done efficiently via the services of a dedicated will and trust lawyer. In the long run, getting proper legal advice saves you and your loved ones precious time and money.

On the whole, wills and trusts govern an estate's distribution. Even if your will is current and/or your assets (such as real estate) have been placed in a living trust, you may still need an estate litigation attorney. Circumstances change, and while estate planning is a crucial element of a well-administered estate, it is impossible to foresee all of the potential issues that can arise. 

If everything in your estate is not in legal order, there may be a need for a litigation attorney to manage things. An attorney experienced in trusts and estates has the necessary knowledge  to sort out estates for expedited distribution.

How much do attorneys charge to settle estates in Birmingham, AL?

Fees vary between states and between attorneys, but in Alabama, many fees can be paid from the estate itself. For more information, contact Kristin Waters Sullivan, your trust and estate litigation attorney in Birmingham, Alabama. She offers estate planning services as a cornerstone of her practice and brings years of experience to help you get the results you need.

What is the difference between a probate lawyer and an estate planning lawyer?

In effect, an estate planning lawyer acts as a “before” attorney, and a probate lawyer acts as  an “after" attorney.

Probate lawyers take care of the process of estate administration after someone passes. Estate planning lawyers work with living clients to plan how their estate will be managed in the event of their passing. This includes the preparation of wills, trusts, and other paperwork related to the wishes of the person planning their estate.

What do estate planning lawyers do for you?

While an estate planning lawyer is charged with  keeping a cool head regarding delicate subject matter and helping create a needs-based plan for an estate, a probate  lawyer assists with the administration of the estate, including the sale of estate assets, and settles any family-related disputes that may come about. These disputes may include named beneficiaries and others not so designated.

last will and testament document with pen on top of it

Using an experienced lawyer in the planning stages can help avoid probate litigation in the future, where things can get messy. Arranging a consultation with an estate planning attorney is the appropriate first step to ensuring your wishes are written correctly and that your estate plan is executed according to those wishes. Estate attorneys, both in planning and in the probate and possible litigation stages, are integral in keeping your desires completely respected. 


Contact Kristin R. Waters today for expert probate law guidance in Birmingham, AL

Kristin R. Waters is a Birmingham-based estate lawyer who can help with a number of delicate, personal matters: will and trust creation, probate, will and trust litigation, and more. Contact her by phone at 205-855-5020 to schedule your free consultation or to get more information about estate planning.

Being prepared for what's to come offers peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Contact Kristin R. Waters today to prepare your estate.